
Add a Smiley Face Rating Icon to a Report

Add a Smiley Face Rating Icon to a Report 2 August 2010, 3:40 pm You can easily add a rating icon, such as smiley faces to communicate at a glance in a variety of ways. Building on the checkbox article posted earlier, we’ll look at how to use Wingdings to quickly add a rating icon based on a character: Create a new formula, with an appropriate name (for example, RatingIcon) that defines what character code to show, depending on the value of the field. In our example, we want a smiley face if the value is above 90%, a neutral face if the value is above 80% but less than 90%, and a frowning face if the value is 80% or lower. if {@Percentage}>90 then chr(74) else if {@Percentage}>80 then chr(75) else chr(76) Continue reading ‘Add a Smiley Face Rating Icon to a Report’ » Filed under  Format . Comment

Generate a Report using Crystal Reports in Visual Studio 2010

Since a long time, Visual Basic and Visual Studio have Crystal report with it. People are saying that since 1993. But in VS2010, they excluded Crystal reports. Yes, what you just heard is right, Crystal Report has been dropped from Visual Studio 2010. But don't worry, it is available as a separate download from the SAP web site. These are the things that I found from the internet. ' It turns out that Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will be released separately, instead of included with the product and Most importantly, Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will continue to be free, with no registration required. ' Download Crystal report from this  link , or just directly paste the link below to your address bar and it will ask to save an EXE file. Introduction I was searching the internet for Crystal reports in 2010 and I found in 2005, but was not able to find any particul